
the Clueless Conscience

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”

Albert . Einstein

Take a Look At Our Recent Articles

Colston (Pt. III)- Cronyism & Capitalism

Missed Part I and Part II? With the ushering in of William III in 1688 and the introduction of the Bill of Rights, there was a noticeable power shift away from the Crown amd towards the new joint-stock companies and merchants in England. While cemented with the…

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Oscar Jerome

The spacey guitars and spatial drums of Oscar Jerome have truly grown in the London music scene, becoming an ever present part of its endemic environment. He has now released three full length albums alongside two EPs.

All are filled with a clever mix of west-african…

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The Murky Truth of Britain’s Green Energy

While the burning of biomass is already a key part of Britain’s energy supply it is also positioning itself to be a key supplier, pushing other countries to follow it’s example and switch from coal to biomass. With the sustainability of burning of biomass already a hot…

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The Awakening – The Ahmad Jamal Trio

Ahmad Jamal has been a leading jazz pianist for some time, although his commercial success before the release of The Awakening in 1970 wasn’t always taken seriously by critics. However the man with the “exquisite touch”, as Miles Davis once described him, showed all what he was…

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Jams for the Journey

Introducing a new corner of theCluelessConscience.

Here we shine a spotlight on the artists, record labels and albums that influence us here at TCC, as well as the wider world.

A Brief History Of Africa afrobeat Album Review America Ancient Greece Art Bristol Britain business capitalism Colston Culture Deep Heads economics Education Edward Colston Egypt England English History india Kemet Learning long read Money Music Nature New Blog opinion plants politics protests RAC religion Review Royal Africa Company science Slavery Slaves Trans Atlantic Trade travel uk uk politics West Africa

Opinions. They’re like…

…bellybuttons, everybody has one.

Take a look through our opinions pieces and see if you agree with our writers’ point of view. After all, we’re all about discourse.

In a world where information is everywhere, knowledge and understanding seem to be in short supply.

With a warming world and warring economies our planet can seem a little on the heavy side as of late and opinions about all of these stories fly around the internet like starlings around Rome.

So what can we do?

Here at The Clueless Conscience…

…we try to draw on subjects we think are interesting or that we think deserve further discussion in society so that we can expand our horizons and think more critically about the world we live in.

If you’d like to support us, please think about buying us a coffee over at out Patreon.


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From music to cuisine, there are many passions that have led to the birth of culture. Here we look into some of the arts that make us who we are.


For something that surrounds us at all times, mystery still shrouds many parts of the natural world. In this area we try to untangle some of the many riddles left by mother nature.


Depending on when and where you are or are from, understandings of knowledge can alter and change. Understanding these changes and patterns can help you think critically about the world around you.